4 Fascinating Auto Parts That are Made With Etching

After a turbulent year and a global pandemic, it looks like things are looking up for the automotive industry. Statistics from Forbes reveal that economic growth will be strong for car demand and production, especially in the U.S., Europe, and China. It is important to note that thousands of the tiny parts that incorporate the structure and function of a car are made through the process of chemical etching. Here are just a few of them and what they do.

1. Electronic Connectors

The sophisticated technological capabilities of today’s vehicles require optimum safety and performance on the road. This requires the power of numerous electronic parts and connectors, many of which are made through an etched process in order to achieve their delicate structural compositions. The future of the auto industry will entail the growth of demand for electronic connectors, and the speed and dexterity of photochemical etching can take on the task with ease.

2. Door Sill Plates

Much like a door sill plate in your home, the door sill plate for your car is a smooth thin plate of metal that is designed to keep out rain, snow, sand, and dirt.  Its sleek design is made possible with the precision that chemical etching provides while saving money on production costs.

3. Fuel Injector Filtration Components

The fuel injector is the part inside a vehicle that injects gasoline fuel into the engine to power it up. Inside each fuel injector is a filter that assists in the purification and even distribution of the fuel spray. In a broad stroke, there are two main types of fuel injector filters — cartridge filters, and spin-on filters. No matter which type of filter it is, the fuel injector must be clean in order for the vehicle to start and run properly. That begins with quality filtration grid structure, and that’s made with the process of…you guessed it, etching.

4. Valve Filtration Components

Fuel injectors aren’t the only parts with filtration components. Various valves inside the vehicle that serve a multitude of purposes also rely on filtration for optimal performance and vehicle life. These intricate filters are usually metal grids embedded inside the valve components to catch unwanted impurities in engine oil, vehicle fluid, or air. Most of them have grid spaces that are microns in size via the etched process.

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