SEO Preparation Before You Launch Your Website

When it comes to increasing a site’s traffic, search engine optimization (SEO) has become a well-known approach in Bangkok. Even before the site goes live though, a pre-launch SEO checklist may help a firm get off to a good start. Preparation make your life easier in the long run, and it will also help you get clients, sales and income even faster.

The SEO checklist

If you want to learn more about SEO and be prepared then, check out these tips and tricks:

  • First, create a live domain name;
  • Then, solidify your site’s structure for better SEO in the future;
  • Different types of URL structure; This includes:
  • Meta-data optimization;
  • UX-based SEO and page speed;

To begin, create a live domain

Before you can start to really think about content and structure, choosing a domain name for your site should be the first proactive task that you tackle. Customers will always be there, but, domain names go quickly so unless you get onto to it as early as possible, the name you want might have already been taken by somebody else.

Site structure that compliments SEO methods

You will come to realise that there are many SEO methods and especially if you want to use the services in Bangkok, SEO methods that are used may vary to other countries although they all have the same overarching purpose. In order to make the most of them, you will want to structure your site so that it is as relevant as possible and will attract the attention of the SEO methods used by companies such as Google.

There are some really complicated algorithms going on constantly, they asses’ things like your site structure and various other, content specific information. This general mapping structure should help your site hit the SEO bots’ radars;

Homepage as a first-level landing page, Navi-bar pages and core-content pages for your business (for many sites this includes pages where conversions happen: service pages, checkout pages, signups etc.) Next, you will want any pages with information and categories on followed by 3rd party websites and blogs that contain product information and help drive people to your site.

The power of URL’s and keywords

Some experts suggest that, if you make keywords part of your web page URL’s then it can help with boosting traffic, as such you will want to so some intensive research into the most appropriate keywords so that when people search your page comes up.

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